Evaluating Ising Processing Units with Integer Programming

The recent emergence of novel computational devices, such as adiabatic quantum computers, CMOS annealers, and optical parametric oscillators, present new opportunities for hybrid-optimization algorithms that are hardware accelerated by these devices. …

PowerModels.jl: An Open-Source Framework for Exploring Power Flow Formulations

In recent years, the power system research community has seen an explosion of novel methods for formulating and solving power network optimization problems. These emerging methods range from new power flow approximations, which go beyond the …

Strengthening Convex Relaxations with Bound Tightening for Power Network Optimization

Convexification is a fundamental technique in (mixed-integer) nonlinear optimization and many convex relaxations are parametrized by variable bounds, ie, the tighter the bounds, the stronger the relaxations. This paper studies how bound tightening …